well ive been thinking.
ive been offline for a long time now and well when im offline from this website you guys cant do very mutch actually so now im going to make a better system when it comes to joining this clan on website to see whos actually members here and whos actually only members of the site and not clan.
but for doing this i need some help.
i need a moderator in the group named
Members of clan
site members
so to all admins/moderators of WP clan that want to be moderator in any of those categories, make a reply here and write what group you will be moderator in.
and its up to henry to decide who is going to be moderator in what group.
(this system is easier because when i am offfline as the system is now, noone can put anyone in any of those groups,
+ i will make it easier to see whos members and admins and mods